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Mental Health Advocacy Webinar

On November 13, 2023 The Oak Ridger featured an article on the desperate need for state-run mental health services in East Tennessee. Three local senators, Becky Duncan Massey, Richard Briggs and Randy McNally have asked for a study to determine what kind of facilities are needed. Lack of Access to care is among the top three concerns listed by local providers and care partners according to the 2023 Knox County Mental Health Report.

Tennessee NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) is urging the public to contact these senators to reinforce how much these facilities are needed for patients with mental illness whether they are insured by TNCare or Medicare. The hope is that this study will not only focus on the needs that health care providers recognize but will also include conversations with those suffering mental illness as well as their families who are greatly affected by the care that their loved ones receive.

NAMI TN is hosting a webinar on Monday, December 11th at 7 p.m. ET to discuss the need for more mental health care in E. TN and to launch a letter writing campaign to local lawmakers and legislative leadership. Participants will learn how to write an effective letter or email using the power of their mental health experiences and reasons why more care is needed.

A Zoom link will be shared later for participants to join this very important and informative seminar.


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