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It's Time for Advocacy!

Mark your calendar Day on the Hill: March 1, 2023

After three years of online advocacy events, NAMI Tennessee will resume its annual Day on the Hill in person next year! It will take place on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

Taking the lessons learned from our successful online advocacy events during the pandemic, we're adopting some online trainings ahead of Day on the Hill. For example:

You'll get an in-depth look at the issues we're promoting during the legislative session.

You'll learn how to effectively tell your story to lawmakers so they understand how the bills they vote on affect people with mental health challenges.

You'll learn the ins and outs of getting to the state Capitol, where to park, and other logistics in a webinar a couple days ahead of time.

Day on the Hill takes place in Nashville at the Cordell Hull Building, which is where members of the Tennessee General Assembly have their offices. You'll have the chance to meet members of the state House and Senate and share your story with them as they vote on bills and funding that affect people with mental health challenges. Your story can make a difference!

We'll share more details in the coming weeks. Questions? Contact our Policy & Advocacy Director Alisa LaPolt at

From elections to action

The Nov. 8 elections are done. Now it's time for us to start reaching out to elected members of our state House and Senate and introducing them to -- or reminding them of-- NAMI Tennessee. We're the state's largest grassroots advocacy organization representing individuals and their families affected by mental illness in Tennessee.

Our Policy & Advocacy Director Alisa LaPolt will be reaching out to affiliates to coordinate outreach efforts in the next few weeks. We'll do this prior to the legislative session that begins Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023.

Want to know which lawmakers represent your area? Click here to see a list we've assembled for you that shows the newly elected state lawmakers, the counties in their district, and the NAMI Tennessee affiliate they represent.

Connect with us

NAMI Tennessee. 1101 Kermit Drive, Suite 605 Nashville, TN 37217


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